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How Sticky Is Telemedicine? – Burda on Healthcare
Until I got into content marketing at a previous job, the word “sticky” had a negative connotation. As… Read More
By January 12, 2021
The Market Response to the Building COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis – Burda on Healthcare
So far, my immediate family and I have dodged the coronavirus. With a wife who is a nurse,… Read More
By December 3, 2020
32 Ways to Fix Healthcare If You Stop and Take the Time – Burda on Healthcare
As our 24-hour news cycle has shrunk to 24 minutes and, in some cases, 24 seconds, over the… Read More
By November 10, 2020
Healthcare’s House Flippers – Burda on Healthcare
If you come over, there’s a decent chance that HGTV will be on. The home-improvement channel is our… Read More
By October 1, 2020
Primary-Care Physicians versus The World (Mostly Pharmacists, Really)
Primary-Care Physicians versus The World (Mostly Pharmacists, Really)
Everyone loves primary care. Everyone hates primary-care physicians. Well, maybe not everyone, but certainly the healthcare market and… Read More
By August 13, 2020
Does Your Chatbot Have Lockjaw?
Does Your Chatbot Have Lockjaw?
A few Sundays ago, I needed a tetanus shot. I sliced my finger open with a single-edge razor… Read More
By July 30, 2020
How to Reduce Your Operating Costs When There’s No One Left to Furlough
How to Reduce Your Operating Costs When There’s No One Left to Furlough
I’m not independently wealthy, and as a journalist for nearly 40 years now, there have been times in… Read More
By July 2, 2020
COVID-19 Put the C Back in Healthcare Consumerism (that’s the uppercase C in Consumerism, not the lowercase c in Healthcare)
COVID-19 Put the C Back in Healthcare Consumerism (that’s the uppercase C in Consumerism, not the lowercase c in Healthcare)
Restaurants across the country laid off workers, limited menus and closed because COVID-19 took away their customers. Hospitals… Read More
By June 2, 2020
How COVID-19 Is Accelerating the Death and Rebirth of Medical Practices
The COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S. has turned everyone’s world upside down. In healthcare, no one has had… Read More
By April 30, 2020
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