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Everyone Knows What’s Going to Happen in Healthcare in 2019. Do You? – Burda on Healthcare
What’s going to happen in healthcare this year is anyone’s guess. Not really. What’s going to happen in… Read More
By January 23, 2019
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HHS Goes All In on Competition as the Way to Fix Healthcare Woes – Burda on Healthcare
Competition good. Regulation bad. That’s my caveman summary of HHS’ manifesto released on Dec. 3 on how to… Read More
By December 17, 2018
Man or Corporate Culture: Who Has More Power to Disrupt Healthcare? – Burda on Healthcare
We’re at a branch point in healthcare’s evolution. We’ll learn soon whether disruptive innovation is the product of… Read More
By November 28, 2018
Employees’ Premiums Actually Dropped This Year and Nine Other Untold Employer Health Benefits Stories – Burda on Healthcare
Every picture tells a story. So does every chart in the Kaiser Family Foundation’s annual employer health benefits… Read More
By October 17, 2018
DIY Hospital Ratings: Do Your Stars Align for What’s Most Important to Patients? – Burda on Healthcare
What’s the most important thing to you when you or a family member has to go to the… Read More
By September 26, 2018
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