Dave's Dispatch

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The Sorry State of Nursing Home Star Ratings
Patient Safety Awareness Week was March 14th-20th. On cue, the New York Times released a major investigative report… Read More
By March 28, 2021
Getting Scientific About Wellness: Introducing Lee Hood
Three things will last forever — faith, hope and love — and the greatest of these is love…. Read More
By March 23, 2021
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Rotisserie/Fantasy Covid?
In the 1990s, I played in a rotisserie/fantasy baseball league. “Roto” combines sports, statistics, money, competition and trash… Read More
By March 20, 2021
Silly Holidays and Healthcare
Roses are red. Violets are blue. Canadians have health insurance. And all Americans should too.  The Biden Administration… Read More
By March 16, 2021
The Fluidity of Anti-Vaxxer Statistics
On last Friday’s Roundup, Julie Murchinson, Dave Burda and I discussed the widely circulated Urban Institute (UI) report… Read More
By March 11, 2021
Last Thursday’s Dispatch profiled how medical bill hassles cost workers and their employers an astounding $144 billion each… Read More
By March 9, 2021
Healthcare’s Administrative “Sludge” Is Worse than You Think
The economic term “externalities” sounds remote and antiseptic, but it’s not. Externalities are the economic equivalent of side… Read More
By March 4, 2021
Waxing Vaccinations
Scale certainly hasn’t proven beneficial for administering Covid-19 vaccinations. Large state governors are smoldering on hot seats for… Read More
By March 2, 2021
Hogan’s Texas Heroes Taken by Storm
A legendary Defense Department “Whiz Kid” taught my Analytic Methods class at Harvard Kennedy School. Professor Bill Hogan’s… Read More
By February 25, 2021
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