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The Worst and Best of Times: Perspectives from Cain Brothers’ Healthcare 2020 Virtual Conference
2020 has been a year like no other. Investors in U.S. healthcare have navigated remarkable economic and societal… Read More
By and December 21, 2020
The Future of Clinical Trials: Decentralized, Diversified, Efficient and Fast
COVID-19 is the most deadly and confounding world health crisis since the 1918 influenza pandemic which killed as… Read More
By and November 23, 2020
Stop Worrying About ACA Repeal (Part B): Concentrate on Game-Changing Interoperability & Transparency Regulations
The Supreme Court began hearings this week regarding the legality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Preliminary indications… Read More
By and November 12, 2020
Stop Worrying About ACA Repeal: It’s Not Going to Happen (Part A)
The 2020 pre-election hysteria regarding the potential demise of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) resembles Chicken Little screaming… Read More
By and October 29, 2020
Curating Knowledge in the Digital Age: Mining Massive Data Sets for Healthcare Insights
In the recent article Healthcare’s Age of Liquid Data, we explored why the healthcare industry must move aggressively… Read More
By and October 20, 2020
GoFundMe Misery: Unaffordable Healthcare is Unavailable Healthcare
I spent some time this week scrolling through medical campaigns on the GoFundMe website. These campaigns seek funding… Read More
By October 15, 2020
The Future of Hospitals in Post-COVID America (Part 2): The Policy Response
The Future of Hospitals in Post-COVID America (Part 2): The Policy Response
Editor’s Note: This is our second article on the Future of Hospitals in Post-COVID America. The first article,… Read More
By , and September 29, 2020
Where Have All the Patients Gone? The Art and Soul of Recapturing Lost Treatment Volume
On a plane trip to Oberlin College in October 1955, singer Pete Seeger wrote the first three verses… Read More
By and September 21, 2020
Achieving Data Aggregation at Scale: How Health Companies Will Adapt to the Age of Liquid Data
Achieving Data Aggregation at Scale: How Health Companies Will Adapt to the Age of Liquid Data
In Healthcare’s Age of Liquid Data, we explored why the healthcare industry must move aggressively to make healthcare… Read More
By and September 2, 2020
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