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System Dynamics
Delivery Failures and Nursing Burden (Part 2): Advanced Logistics to the Rescue
This is Part 2 of a series on nursing burdens in healthcare. Part 1 looks at ways healthcare… Read More
By and May 16, 2023
Academic Medicine: Where Privilege Compounds Organizational Dysfunction
Academic medicine combines healthcare with higher education, the two sectors of the American economy that have exhibited outsized… Read More
By May 9, 2023
The R.N. and the Controller: Two Revolutionaries Battle the Healthcare Industrial Complex®
The 1970s was a dark period in U.S. history. Watergate, the energy crisis, environmental degradation, stagflation, rising crime,… Read More
By April 25, 2023
Why Healthcare’s Cupboard is Bare — Its Funding Gravy Train has Run Out of Steam
Gravy train is a railroad term that originated in the early 1900s. It described a well-paid train run… Read More
By April 6, 2023
Still Time For a Healthcare Industry Reinvention (Part 1)
Editor’s note: This is a multi-part series on reinventing the healthcare industry. Part 2 addresses physicians, non-physician caregivers,… Read More
By March 28, 2023
System Dynamics
Reimagining Healthcare Staffing: Partnership-Focused, Data-Informed, Nurse-Centric
In 2006, Warren Buffett quipped that, “GM is a health and benefits company with an auto company attached.”… Read More
By March 16, 2023
AI and the Rise of Human-Machine Collaboration in Healthcare 
Commentators, researchers and academics can’t stop finding applications forChatGPT. [1] Two of its recent claims to fame include… Read More
By March 7, 2023
Delivery Failures and Nursing Burden (Part 1): It’s Worse Than You Think
This is Part 1 of a series on nursing burdens. In the follow-up piece, 4sight Health’s David W…. Read More
By and March 2, 2023
Old vs. New Medicine: It’s Time to Topple the Hierarchy
In 2007, Donald Berwick and his colleagues at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement introduced the concept of healthcare’s… Read More
By and February 21, 2023
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