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academic medicine partners 
Darwinian Outsourcing: Big Pharma Adapts to Market Realities
by Kristin Carey and David W. Johnson Competitive markets drive innovations in business efficiency and strategy. Twenty-five years… Read More
By and April 3, 2017
venture capital fund 
Trumpian Healthcare Reform: A “Silver Linings” Legislative Playbook
Special Edition: Market Corner Commentary for March 29, 2017 Last Friday was supposed to be the shootout at… Read More
By March 28, 2017
market vs medicine
AHA! Healthcare Is Both a Right and a Commodity
In late January, I participated in an Oxford-style debate regarding whether healthcare is a commodity. The debate was… Read More
By March 22, 2017
Scaling Healthcare’s Mt. Everest: Peak Performers Engage Technology and Consumers
Climbing the highest mountains requires organization, preparation and strategy. Scaling Mt. Everest is a full-scale expedition. Large teams… Read More
By and March 7, 2017
ZDogg Speaks: Rebooting Primary Care (The Unedited Version)
For the better part of a decade, I practiced inpatient hospital medicine at a large academic center (the… Read More
By February 20, 2017
Moving at the Speed of Medicine: Turbo-Charging Performance with Strategic Partnerships
Insourcing is a time-honored practice employed by market-dominant companies. Rather than contract with external experts, companies dedicate internal… Read More
By and February 6, 2017
Letting Go: Steward Sells Its Hospitals and Embraces Patient-Centric Care
Last September, Massachusetts-based Steward Health Care System announced that it would sell its 9 hospitals to Alabama-based Medical… Read More
By and January 23, 2017
Mile High Potential: NFL Veterans Tackle America’s Opioid Crisis
Professional football has long since surpassed baseball as America’s most popular sport. The NFL’s Super Bowl is a… Read More
By and January 9, 2017
The Rise and Fall of Academic Medicine: AMC Competitiveness in Post-Reform Healthcare
Rome wasn’t built in a day and didn’t collapse overnight. After centuries of growth, prosperity and domination, the… Read More
By and December 12, 2016
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