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Channel Shifting: Ominous Black Friday Trends for Health Systems
The results are in. The National Retail Federation (NRF) just released their survey results for post-Thanksgiving shopping. The… Read More
By December 6, 2016
System Dynamics
Behavioral Health Goes Local: The Emergence of Integrated, Community-Based Services
by Todd Rudsenske and David W. Johnson From addiction to depression to psychosis, mental illness exacts a growing… Read More
By November 29, 2016
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Healthcare’s Gettysburg Moment
Seven score and thirteen years ago this month (November 19, 1863), Abraham Lincoln delivered his renowned Gettysburg Address… Read More
By November 21, 2016
Overturning Obamacare: A 5-Point Plan for President-Elect Donald Trump
Two weeks ago, I distributed a 5-Point healthcare plan for presumed President-elect Hillary Clinton. That was then. In… Read More
By November 15, 2016
HealthCare.Gov’s Death-Defying 2013 Launch: Implications for Government-Led Payment Reform
Enrollment for purchasing health insurance on public health exchanges began November 1st. Headlines for this fourth enrollment period… Read More
By November 9, 2016
Overhauling Obamacare: A 5-Point Plan for President-Elect Hillary Clinton
Absent a cataclysmic surprise next Tuesday, Hillary Clinton will become the 45th President of the United States. She… Read More
By November 1, 2016
System Dynamics
Winning “The Cub Way”: It Takes an Organization (Postscript)
On Saturday evening, the Chicago Cubs won the National League pennant and the City of Chicago went crazy…. Read More
By October 27, 2016
health care system
Value Quest: Capital Formation Challenges for Non-Profit Health Systems
by David W. Johnson, James Moloney and Carsten Beith   There’s a battle outside and it’s ragin’ It’ll… Read More
By October 26, 2016
Overcoming Medical Errors of Omission: The Cure Requires Organizational Empathy
Organizations fail or decline more frequently because of what they did not do than because of what they… Read More
By October 18, 2016
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