Market Corner Commentaries

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Where’s the Beef? Employers Question the Value of Hospital Mergers
In an iconic 1984 commercial for Wendy’s hamburgers, the diminutive octogenarian Clara Peller and two friends are eating… Read More
By August 10, 2016
advancing organizational change 
Back with Vengeance: Vertical Integration’s Demons Wreak Havoc
With pride and promise just two short years ago, Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) introduced Prominence Health, a wholly-owned… Read More
By August 3, 2016
4sight Health
Obama Speaks: A Presidential Assessment of Obamacare
Market Corner Commentary for July 27, 2016 Earlier this month, President Obama took the unprecedented step of authoring… Read More
By July 26, 2016
care transformation
Made in America: Venture-Backed Healthcare Solutions
Market Corner Commentary for July 20, 2016 Last month, Reed Abelson of the New York Times chronicled the… Read More
By July 19, 2016
4sight Health
It Takes Two to Tango: Cracking the Patient/Customer Engagement Code
The tango is a beautiful, complex, fast-paced dance that gets the heart racing for participants and spectators alike…. Read More
By July 14, 2016
health forum education 
Great Consumer Expectations: Data-Enabled Healthcare Outcomes and Service
Health companies experience excessive variation in clinical outcomes, quality metrics, procedure pricing and customer satisfaction. This frustrates providers,… Read More
By July 14, 2016
american health system
The Post-Acute Gold Rush: Winning the Race to the Claims Office
Gold’s glitter and the lure of quick riches led 90,000 unruly prospectors to California in 1849. The gold… Read More
By July 14, 2016
medicine and health
Healthcare’s Dysfunctional Pricing: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
The Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) released its annual report of healthcare prices last month. To no-one’s surprise,… Read More
By July 13, 2016
capital formation design
Rethinking Cyber-Security: A New Paradigm for Democratizing Data Exchange
Liberated data connects people, informs decision-making, stimulates innovation, streamlines production, creates wealth and advances humanity.  The upward trajectory… Read More
By July 13, 2016
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