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Overcoming Medical Orthodoxy (Part 1): The Origins of Dysfunction
Author’s note: This is the first article in a series on reimagining American medical education. This article details… Read More
By and March 17, 2022
Cracks in the Foundation (Part 2): Overcoming Healthcare’s Artificial Economics
Editor’s note: This piece is the second in a series of six columns in which David Johnson addresses… Read More
By March 10, 2022
Looking Back, Looking Forward: A Golden Age of Healthcare Innovation?
Since the middle of 2020, during the early days of the pandemic, several long-developing trends within the U.S…. Read More
By and March 8, 2022
Cain Brothers House Calls Podcast: Looking Back, Looking Forward: A Golden Age of Healthcare Innovation?
  Cain Brothers’ President Rob Fraiman and David Johnson, CEO of 4sight Health, look back on 2021, another… Read More
By and March 3, 2022
Death Math
Many analysts are using “excess deaths” as a proxy for COVID deaths during the pandemic. It’s not that… Read More
By February 24, 2022
The Courage to Change: A Soundtrack
In the 70s, the Hamilton Brothers sang “Music Makes the World Go Round.” Nowhere is this truer than… Read More
By February 10, 2022
Cracks in the Foundation — 5 Structural Defects Are Undermining Nonprofit Healthcare (Part 1)
It’s not Rolling Stone, but I’m deeply honored to be on the cover of this month’s HFM magazine. This issue launches… Read More
By February 8, 2022
Cain Brothers House Calls Podcast: Building The Last Mile to the Patient
All Roads Lead to Value, Part IV: Building The Last Mile to the Patient On our last talk… Read More
By and January 25, 2022
All Roads Lead to Value (Part 4): Building The Last Mile to the Patient
Author Note: This is the final of four articles on the transition to value-based care models for providers…. Read More
By and January 25, 2022
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