April 19, 2022

SONG: Haven’t Got Time for Back Pain
Music by Carly Simon, Lyrics by David W. Johnson
All those crazy times when my body let me down.
Now back, hip and knee pain don’t make me frown anymore
‘Cause I haven’t got time for back pain
I haven’t got room for hip pain
I haven’t the need for knee pain
Since these new treatments
Full body health is how I get myself aligned.
How I straighten out my crooked spine.
Now I haven’t got time for back pain
I haven’t got room for hip pain
I haven’t the need for knee pain
Since these new treatments
I haven’t got time for back pain
I haven’t got room for hip pain
I haven’t the need for knee pain
Suffering was a constant fiend
That stole my happiness away
Thought hurting was just the price
To survive in this world
Until they showed me how
How to treat myself with care
How to open up and soak
In all that wisdom
Coming down through therapy
Haven’t got time for back pain
I haven’t got room for hip pain
I haven’t the need for knee pain
Since these new treatments
I haven’t got time for back pain
I haven’t got room for the need for hip pain
No, I haven’t the need for knee pain
I haven’t got time
I haven’t got time for neck pain
I haven’t got time for back pain
No hip pain
Sleeping better all day just to pass the time
Something wrong there can be no denying
I feel the earth crack like a knot in my back
Check out all the 4sight Health songs here