August 12, 2021

SONG: Healthcare’s Dystopia: A Patient’s Lament
To the tune of “Margaritaville” by Jimmy Buffet
Fast food is easy
Watch too much TV
Should exercise more but I can’t find the time
Diabetes scares me
Trackin’ my A1C
Need to do better while still in my prime
Wastin’ away in healthcare’s dystopia
Lookin’ for real value anywhere
Some people claim that no-one’s to blame
But I know that it’s partly my fault
Skippin’ prescriptions
Gives me conniptions
Making ends meet is a terrible strain
My health plan is crappy
It keeps me unhappy
Its high deductible drives me insane
Wastin’ away in healthcare’s dystopia
Lookin’ for real value anywhere
Providers claim that the payers are to blame
But I know that they’re both at fault
I wrecked up my old car
Wound up in the E.R.
Treatment and rehab made me so blue
The bill was ten pages
More than my wages
What I’ll do now, I haven’t a clue
Wastin’ away in healthcare’s dystopia
Lookin’ for real value anywhere
Payers claim that the providers are to blame
But I know, it’s the whole system’s fault
Yes, and some people claim that no-one’s to blame
But I know, it’s the damn system’s fault
Check out all the 4sight Health songs here.