July 6, 2021

What Revolutionary Healthcare Leaders Are Reading, Listening To or Singing Along With: The Top 12 on 4sighthealth.com So Far This Year
They say you have to reach people where they are in today’s digitally-savvy, technology-enabled, on-demand world. It’s no different for healthcare thought-leadership content. That’s why we here at 4sight Health create healthcare thought-leadership content in a variety of formats distributed on a variety of channels for revolutionary healthcare leaders to consume.
Below are the Top 12 pieces of healthcare thought-leadership content consumed over the first half of this year by revolutionary healthcare leaders. All are available for you to consume on 4sighthealth.com.
1. “Getting Scientific About Wellness: Introducing Lee Hood”
In this Dispatch from David Johnson, founder and CEO of 4sight Health, Dave introduced and welcomed Leroy Hood, M.D., the nation’s foremost scientific wellness expert, to 4sight Health’s list of contributors. You can read Dr. Hood’s first piece for 4sight Health here.
Read Dave’s Dispatch here.
2. “Alzheimer’s Disease: My Personal Journey and Search for a Cure”
In this commentary, Dr. Hood described his personal experiences with Alzheimer’s Disease after his wife Valerie was diagnosed with it in 2005. He advocated for early detection of risk factors that could lead to individualized multimodal plans to prevent the disease’s onset.
Read Lee’s commentary here.
3. “The Lost Art of Handwritten Thank You Notes”
In this commentary, contributor Edward Marx, chief digital officer for Tech Mahindra Health and Life Sciences and former CIO of the Cleveland Clinic, explained how writing handwritten thank you notes in today’s electronic paperless world will set you apart and endear yourself to others.
Read Ed’s commentary here.
4. “How Healthcare Revolutionaries Think: 10 Questions with Robert Pearl, M.D.”
In this regular monthly feature written by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist, Dave interviewed Robert Pearl, M.D. the former CEO of The Permanente Medical Group, about the difference between med students and business school students and what they can learn from each other.
Read Dave’s interview with Bob here.
5. “Healthy Multipliers for Our Society”
In this commentary, contributor Allen Weiss, M.D., chief medical officer for the national Blue Zones Project and former president and CEO of the NCH Healthcare System in Naples, Fla., argued for replacing the term “social determinants of health” with one that better promotes healthier behaviors.
Read Allen’s commentary here.
6. “The Many Flavors of Healthcare’s Not-for-Profit/For-Profit Partnerships”
In this co-written commentary, Stacy Guffanti, a director in Cain Brother’s corporate M&A practice, and 4sight Health’s David Johnson, detailed the clinical, financial and operational benefits of creative partnerships between healthcare organizations with different ownership structures.
Read Stacy’s and Dave’s commentary here.
7. “Take That Cheese! Julie Murchinson Interviews Dynamic Women Leading Healthcare in Dynamic Times”
In this new regular feature, contributor Julie Murchinson, partner at Transformation Capital, interviewed Nancy Ham, the enterprising CEO at WebPT, a business solutions company in the rehabilitation therapy space, about her efforts to improve access and service delivery to medically underserved communities.
Read Julie’s interview with Nancy here.
8. “2020: A Year Like No Other—Insights, Comments and Interviews”
In this commentary, Steven Alcauskas, a senior Cain Brothers banker who focuses on pharmaceutical services, PBMs and laboratory services, and 4sight Health’s David Johnson, looked back at 2020 and the lessons learned in consolidation, funding, policy, finance and crisis leadership.
Read Steven’s and Dave’s commentary here.
9. “How Healthcare Revolutionaries Think: 10 Questions with Gaurov Dayal, M.D.”
In this first installment of the new regular monthly feature written by 4sight Health’s David Burda, Dave interviewed Gaurov Dayal, M.D., president and COO of Everside Health, a Denver-based direct primary-care provider, about the disconnect between market share and innovation in healthcare.
Read Dave’s interview with Gaurov here.
10. “We Have an Immediate Opening for Someone Who Can Re-Invent Rural Healthcare”
In this monthly column, David Burda acknowledged to having become desensitized to the plight of the rural hospital story line because he’s heard it too many times over the decades of covering healthcare. But new research suggests the situation is serious and in need of some new thinking to solve.
Read Dave’s column here.
11. “Podcast: What’s Up with All the Digital Dealmaking?”
On this episode of 4sight Friday Roundup, 4sight Health’s weekly podcast series moderated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s David Johnson and Julie Murchinson dissected a week’s worth of digital health megadeals and what they mean for the future of healthcare delivery and financing.
Listen to the podcast here.
12. “Song: Imagine (No JP Morgan)”
What if there was no in-person J.P. Morgan Health Care Conference? Well, it happened in 2021 thanks to the COVID pandemic. Sung to “Imagine” by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, 4sight Health’s Dave Johnson imagined what that would be like. His lyrics are performed by John Zam, 4sight Health troubadour.
Listen to John’s performance here.
Yes, 4sight Health has its own troubadour.
We also have thousands of followers, connections and subscribers who look to 4sight Health’s thought-leadership content in its many forms for ideas, inspiration and a voice to make the current healthcare system work better for its customers.
Thanks to everyone for reading, listening and singing along through the first six months of the year. We know you’ll enjoy the next six months.